Paper submission has completed! Thank you all for your participation!

New timeline! Notifications of proposals will be sent by 31st of March!

Before submitting your proposal, please read below carefully:

1. Only online submissions will be accepted for consideration. Submission via email and other means will not be considered.
2. The language of conference will be English.
3. You may submit no more than one proposal for each of the four categories of presentation:

> Free papers
> Roundtables
> Workshops and
> Posters

4. Proposals of 250-300 words for free papers and posters and of no more than 450-500 words for roundtables, workshops should be submitted in an MS Word via our submission page.
5. For roundtables only the coordinator/chair needs to submit a proposal.

Submitting your proposal please note to give:

  • title
  • indication of format
  • proposer’s name
  • proposer’s affiliation
  • names and affiliations of any additional participants
  • contact email
  • AV (audio-visual) requirements
  • a short bio or bios of the participants ( 15 lines)
  • abstract
  • keywords

Note: Please consider that all the submissions (free papers, round tables, workshops, posters) have to be in conformity with the topic of the Conference, in order to be accepted.

Επισήμανση: Παρακαλώ να λάβετε υπόψη ότι όλες οι προτάσεις που θα κατατεθούν (ατομικές ή ομαδικές εισηγήσεις, προτάσεις στρογγυλής τραπέζης, εργαστήρια, αναρτήσεις) θα πρέπει να έχουν άμεση σχέση με τη θεματολογία του Συνεδρίου, προκειμένου να εγκριθούν.

The Call for Papers is also available as a pdf file.

Please click below to download:

Deadline for papers submission

February 28, 2023


For any further questions regarding the rasmb-ims2023 please contact:

Email: ​
T. +30 2310 433099